Saturday, June 18, 2011

So now I am a separatist/nationalist for supporting Mixed Race identity?

Recently I came under attacked by an individual on Facebook who accused me of being a separatist because I identify as Multiracial and support the efforts of the Multiracial community. I was not certain if the woman was specifically speaking of me in her attack as she did not address me by name, however after reading her comments and views on Mixed Race identity I had a feeling she was indirectly calling me a separatist. 

First of all since I was an educator and still promote education, let's establish what a separatist is.

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary a separatist is an advocate of independence or autonomy for a part of a political unit (as a nation) c : an advocate of racial or cultural separation. To sum it up this woman pretty much compared my views of Multiracial identity to racist organizations that promote violence and segregation. 

To defend my position I sent a message to the woman, asking first was she referring to me in her comments, and then defending my position. Here is what I wrote:

Hello. I am not certain if you were referring to me on the recent thread in regards to the topic: "White? Black? Hispanic? Why Not All of the Above?", when you mentioned there was another person on the page that is a "separatist". If so I would appreciate if you direct your comments to me personally, because I am not sure if you were speaking of me or not, nor did I have the chance to address those comments and defend my position. First of all I am not a separatist, nor a nationalist. Just because someone embraces their full heritage and feels that he or she belongs to more than one racial group does not mean they are trying to disassociate themselves from the Black community. I grew up in a predominately Black home. I attended mostly Black churches, I graduated from a Historically Black college, and I am a member of a Black sorority. So I don't see how I am separating myself from the Black community, because I racially identify as Multiracial. You know nothing about me, but accused me of possessing a characteristic that is not who I am at all, simply because you seem uneducated on Mixed Race identity.

Personally I have NEVER been Black, or White or Multiracial or Latina when it suits me. I am Multiracial 24/7. I do not support a Multiracial person identifying as only Black to obtain financial aid benefits or affirmative action benefits. I see a lack of ethnics in a situation like that. And I have encountered racism from all groups, Whites, Blacks, and Latinos, but those experiences have shaped me to become the person I am today, and I realized that just because I came across a few bad apples, doesn't mean it’s going to discourage me from embracing who I am. I have been told to "go back to Africa" by Whites in elementary school, to having "White Bitches" sprayed painted on my mother's car and front door when I was only 3 years old by African Americans. Despite this I still identify as Multiracial.

My goal is to educate our society on Mixed Race identity and the history of the Multiracial community. I am not about separating, but building bridges to tear down the walls of racial oppression. If you do not believe me that is your choice, but the reason I sent this message to you was to clear up any misconceptions you had about me, and my initiatives. Thank you for your time. 

So the woman writes back and this is what she had to say:

So, let me start off by saying that I don't know if it was you in particular as I don't have immediate access to the words I saw in particular not the post I saw responded to by you or someone else, as it was not on my FB page but someone else's.

Secondly, I still don't know you any more then I did when I read the words that bothered me (if they came from you) as you choosing to admonish me as a "Week", and not as an individual person. That is absolutely your choice. However, you must also understand that you don't know me, what I have dealt with in my life, what my heritage is, or who I have associated with in my lifetime. I responded to something that was posted on a FB friends page as I saw it, and I suppose that is what you are choosing to here and now. I don't know, since again, you are not responding to me as a person but as a "Week".
If you want to step to me correctly, then please feel free. At the moment I have no way of defending my words since you didn't feel the need to acutally quote me verbatim, and (oh, yes I will say this again) you have not felt the need to actually address me person to person. Therefore, I am going to simply end this discussion and say, enjoy yourself...I mean your "Week"! LOL!

Well my comments in which she attacked me came from my Facebook page. Is there a reason why I should log into my personal account to address her? I did provide her with my name, so that wasn't enough? She never once addressed a word in the letter I sent to her initially. 

Is this what some people feel about Multiracial identity is that we are separatists, and self haters? 

Again my goal is to educate, but not to beg anyone to accept me as Multiracial. You can drag a horse to water, but you can't make him/her drink. My advice is instead of attacking persons who identify as Multiracial, learn about the community and why people choose to embrace their full ancestry. Until then one cannot fairly challenge Mixed Race Identity. 

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